

  • the twilight movie is almost as lame as the twilight book is AMAZING! It truly is too bad that hollywood attempted to capture the most wonderful novel I have ever read. Truly... READ THE BOOK! DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE
  • one of the reasons you may be losing inches and not pounds is because you are gaining muscle. Muscle has weight to it, so as you build it, you don't lose those pounds. If you feel like your muscles are too bulky, try toning them. Do less weight, more repetitions. Then you'll get them slim look, without bulky muscles.
  • For the first time EVER I worked out and didn't quit! usually I get on my corss trainer and tell myself I will work out for an hour... but i always give up after 15 or 20 minutes. BUT TODAY I FINALLY WORKED OUT THE WHOLE HOUR!!! :happy: I feel so great! And now I can eat out for my anniversary dinner and not feel horrible.…
  • Hi everyone, I was just wondering, has anyone tried Hydroxycut? I have heard it works, but I'm worried about any weird side effects... weight loss isn't worth hurting your health:sick: :sick: . Any insight from hydroxycut users?
  • Hi everyone :smile:
  • Having your menstrual cycle doesn't burn calories. The reason why you are so hungry is because you are having food CRAVINGS brought on by the hormonal changes that take place in your body during menstration. If you want a trick for beating the munchies try this: whenever you are having a craving, or if you feel sooo hungry…