LADIES: How long does it take...
To lose weight in the breast area? I want to lose in my belly, legs, and a little in the arms, but what I'm secretly looking forward to is smaller breasts, does this actually happen with general weight loss? What was your size drop [if any]? Did they change shape? Are they more perky? Do your bras now actually provide…
Thoughts Wanted on "Yoplait Two Week Tune Up"
Hello all! I have been trying to eat one yogurt during lunch during every week day, and of course I notice the "2 Week Diet Plan" advertised on every single yogurt bottle. I finally found the information on their website (, however I noticed their 'meal plans' are the same every single…
My Re-Introduction to MFP
Hello everyone! I was here about 9-12 months ago [under the name StarCass] and ended up leaving. I found it annoying entering in everything I ate and found I mostly skipped entering things in, especially if it was an already prepared meal at a different house than mine or just a quick snack. In the past 5 months I've…