Game Day/Party Food Ideas
Healthy Living Game Day/Party Food: So, what are your best low(er) fat, low(er) calorie recipes for Division Championship Sunday and Super Bowl weekend? I'm trying not to blow my good eating habits from the start of the year. A little cheating is cool...but I don't want to drown in fried food greasy goodness and…
Work Travel and Healthy Eating
So, I am going out of town to Dallas for 5 days. Flying out at 7 am Monday morning, and I won't be back until noon on Friday. Staying in hotels and attending conferences. I'm off to such a good start, and I don't want to fall off the wagon during this trip. What are some good tips for eating out and snacking when you…
Yeah for me!
Hi! Found this site through the Apple App Store last week. It's great! I have an overall weight loss goal of about 50 lbs, but 10 lbs at a time... Good luck to one and all! TNT