OT-I Have A New Grandbaby!!
My granddaughter, Aubrey Claire, was born today!:bigsmile: And can someone please tell me how to post her picture here?
Off Topic-Need Computer Help
My daughter got a virus on her computer and the only way to get rid of it was to wipe out her harddrive. My son-in-law reinstalled windows but we cannot get an internet connection. Before the virus she was using a linksys router that is connected to my husbands computer. My laptop is connected the same way. Of course I…
Totally Off Topic-Birthday Present
Okay, so a couple of weeks before my birthday my husband asks me what I wanted for my birthday. Stupidly I replied oh don't get me anything, I have everything I could ever want or need. Birthday comes and goes and I am happy that he didn't strain himself trying to come up with a birthday gift cause I really didn't want…
My sad tale of woe......
but it does have a happy ending. My sad story started at Victoria's Secret right after Thanksgiving. My best friend got the cutest bra from there and it made her boobs look amazing, I was so jealous. I decided that I would finally spend some decent money on a good bra and went there just knowing that I would come out…
Most of already know this, but it's still helpful
10 Weight-Loss Myths: Don't Be Fooled! By Susan Woodward for MSN Health & Fitness When does a lie become an accepted truth? When the lie is repeated often enough. It’s the oldest trick in the book, a favorite ploy of politicians and others who stand to gain, but still we fall for it. Especially when it comes to losing…
How many calories burned?
Anyone know how many calories I burned bathing an 85lb water hating Basset Hound?:laugh:
New Here
I am excited about this website, I definately need the food diary to keep me on track. It's also great to see so many different topics on the message boards and people posting all day long.