advice to your former self
Question for all my MFP friends: if you had to start this journey all over, what's the ONE piece of advice you wish somebody had given you?
ISO: friends with open diaries!
hello MFP! i'm in search of friends with open diaries! i've hit a plateau, which i'm actually not mad about because i'm focusing more on eating the right things and gaining muscle with strength training, so i really only track to make note of my protein, carbs, fat, etc. BUT i'm getting bored with the same ol things! i…
girls in the gym
i feel like most of my posts on here are complain-y but i'm about to hide from all gyms and social media sites because of girls that do this... girls in the gym WEARING MAKE UP!!!!! omg! if you still look good at the end, you're not working hard enough! you do not need to take selfies in the mirror every time you're there…
guilty pleasure
when you have a cheat snack, meal, candy, etc what is it? my go to is take 5 candy bars! so delicious, they've got the perfect combination of sweet, salty, and chocolatey. every once in a while i just have to indulge (i try for half at a time now tho) what's yours - GO!
squat & plank challenge
Anybody else tried either of these? I'm 2 weeks in and already noticing some huge changes!! I'll be honest, I didn't think the squat challenge would be that hard because I can actually squat a lot of weight, so I started the challenge with a kettle bell in tow. HOLY MISTAKE! Once my numbers got higher (80) I had to…
cutting portions vs clean eating
Don't get me wrong, I don't deprive myself of anything, but I generally eat very very clean and consciously. I also work out. I am in a constant debate with my aunt (she is 40 and has 2 year old twins and CONSTANTLY complaining about losing baby weight). I know our situations are different, however, when her and I were…
workout playlists
Anybody have a song that when it comes on and you're starting to slow down in your workout, it immediately cranks you up? I need more of those for my iPod. Tell me yours!
Rant about clothes during weight loss
Okay, I'm going to try and make this a short & sweet rant so here goes: I am so frustrated!!!! Every single day, people are commenting on my weight loss progress. This is awesome, of course. EXCEPT when the compliments are often backhanded. At first they were really nice like "wow, you're doing a great job!" and people…
I've been using my fitness pal since last August and have had great success! Too many keggers in college :) I've lost about 40 pounds so far AND completed my first half marathon! However, now I'm running into some problems. I have really low blood sugar and if I don't eat every so often, I feel dizzy and/or like I'm going…