REALLY cheap meal ideas?
Not sure whether to put this in the food and nutrition thread or this thread so just posted it in here- hope that's ok! Basically I live with my boyfriend of 4 years and we've had to move house this month as our landlord has decided he wants to raise the rent which we can't afford. This has put a lot of unexpected…
Best rowing machine for under £100?
As the title says really! If anyone has any suggestions about the best rowing machine (in the uk) I can get for under £100 i'd be grateful. I'd appreciate the budget is tight, and i'm unsure of what I should be looking for in terms of good quality so recommendations of machines or brands would be great. Thanks!
Best indoor fitness machine to buy (eg. treadmill)?
My partner and I are thinking of purchasing some indoor exercise equipment- I don't often like going running outside (and yes I am making excuses haha, but I live in the city centre and the weather is almost always awful too!) I would love some suggestions on what would be best- the max we could spend is £150 but…
Heart palpitations whilst exercising?
So there's something i've noticed when exercising (playing sports, running, group gym classes etc.) and that is I get heart palpitations/my heart seems to go too fast... sometimes i'm not even particularly out of breath. I make sure I stay hydrated and have alternated eating/not eating before working out. I'm not…
Pole dancing for fitness?
I was just wondering if anyone here has tried out pole dancing for fitness (or is thinking about it too!) there seem to be loads of classes in my area that teach it and i've always wanted to try it out but i'm a bit apprehensive, and don't know how good/beneficial it actually is...
Tips for women on getting abs?
Hi guys, so sorry if this thread has been done to death, but i'm trying to piece together different information and thought it would be best to ask all of my questions at once and hopefully people who are a lot more knowledgeable than me can help me out :) My current exercise is generally a 2/3 mile walk each day,…
Any tall girls here?
Just wondering if there are any fellow tall girls here (i'm 5'11) and wondering what your goal weights are and how you're all getting along? (:
I need more soup ideas!
So I love making homemade soup for lunch, recently i've been making carrot and broccoli, just broccoli, and tomato and chilli... and now i've already ran out of ideas as i'm not the most creative person in the kitchen and would love your healthy suggestions. Please note i'm vegan! And on a very tight budget (I usually use…
Please take a look at my food diary!
Just as some extra info- i'm trying to lose 20 odd lbs (and get fit rather than get thin!) I've been using this site for nearly a week now and found i've been eating fairly well (what I think is anyway!) barring a few bad snacks every couple of days. I'm also vegan, hence the lack of animal products!…
What should my ideal weight be?
I'm 5'11 and currently 159lbs... the lowest weight i've been was 110 which I know was too thin, but since putting weight on the past two years it feels wrong on my body (it's mostly gone all on my hips and thighs!) I have a small frame/i'm not 'big boned' nor am I muscly or very strong, but I would like to get 'fit' not…