Recently I had this break, this clarity of mind, a realization about something that has been getting in the way of a work of transformation God is trying to do in me. Here it is...I have had this understanding that if I don't live up to expectations of others that they are going to wipe their hands clean of me, be done…
Been convicted that this another area in my life that I need to surrender to the Lord. I have tried so many times before. What makes this time different? I will be relying on Him and His strength; not mine. Any one else in this place?
A couple of Sundays ago one of my pastors preached a sermon on how there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) except what God makes new. He gave specific examples (creation, the flood, Son of God dying on a cross to redeem sinners, etc). He continued on about how we are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17), given new…