Over the gym?
Has anyone ever just hit a slump, like you're completely over your gym? I go to the gym on the base, so it's free, which is more than fine. It's not very far from my house either, so I don't think that's it. I usually go on the way home from work. About 6 weeks ago, I signed up(and paid a decent amount) for one of those…
Tracking macros, reversing your progress? Help!
So a started my journey in march 2012. From then until November I ate about 1300-1500 calories a day. I worked out 5 times a week.I didn't adhere to any marks guidelines or anything like that, just ate healthy. No junk. Hardly any cheat meals. I didn't even know about macros and all of that. I lost 40-50 lbs in the time…
Best stats for protein shakes?
I was wondering what would be considered 'ideal' in the calorie counts, fats, carbs, sugars and obviously proteins? Any suggestions? Please no one who sells them, I'm looking for honesty, maybe one of y'all have researched this topic. Background info- I've lost almost 50 lbs this year, workout 4-6 times a week, cardio and…
Spouse isn't supportive in this...
As in, not wanting to go to the gym together(which isn't a big deal). He doesn't work out at all, and eats like garbage. My issue is that he brings the garbage around me and it's in the house and I'm tempted and have terrible self control. It's easier when he is gone, he is in the military, and i have tried to tell him how…
Is it bad to count....
My constant walking around work as "cardio"? Lol. I put it as the lowest one I found(2.5 mph leisurely pace) and I do not count every hour I work. I literally do go back and forth all day around the store doing this or that. I still go to the gym most days and log that!!