Finally someone noticed
I have been on MFP for about 3 months and was pleased with my progress. About 20lbs was no small accomplishment. (I wish I knew how to change my origional weight on here because it was 6lbs too low because I estimated. I had noticed the belt loop moving but had not really heard any comments from anyone. Well yesterday…
Replacing Burnt Calories
OK I was just thinking about something and it brought up a question in my mind. I understand you are supposed to eat lost calories. My question is do you replace every burnt calorie by exercise? I have a goal of losing 1 1/2 pounds a week. I am going to use approximate numbers but in my example MFP says I need to take in…
Oh oh It is football season
Well all was well until football season hit. Had been under calorie goal every day until Louisville vs Kentucky football game. Football party put me way over the top. Oh well I assume you cant be over every day and I wanted to be polite but I had no idea how many calories were in all the dishes. I think I will be extra…
Calorie Burn Accuracy?
I recently bought a watch which supposedly can do a calorie burn function and it appears to be fairly accurate when I am walking the dog around the neighborhood(or at least I hope it is) However when I am at the gym working out on a treadmill or elliptical type machine it varies greatly from the machine itself. For…
figure out servings on vegetables
Newbie question... Is there an easy way to figure out servings on vegetables? I am grilling out tonight and am making grilled red potatoes with carrots and peppers. I am trying to make sure I calculate the servings of the vegetables and it seems they are supposed to be in cups. I cant really cut up all the ingredients that…
Beginner question
Hey all, I am really new to this stuff. I have a couple of stupid questions on here. How do I accurately calculate the calories in a meal. I made corn beef and cabbage with potatoes the other day and had no real idea how many calories I was taking in. I just put a hunk of meat cabbage,potatoes and carrots on there with no…