

  • Google is an amazing thing, 14lbs american weight can be done. This is an excellent program for that
  • Not sure how much a stone is, but good luck.
  • congrats, amazing job
  • Well back to my earlier comment which I had edited out because the other posts made it look like you were the one getting married lol. Tone back your weight loss goals for the wedding. The bride is supposed to be the center of attention on her day, if u come in 60lbs lighter all eyes will be on you.
  • I am definitely no expert here but doesn't 60lbs in 4.5 months seem extreme? 15lbs a month seems quite allot. I don't think spacing your weigh ins is helpful. I actually weigh in every day so I can grasp where I am at, that can be sort of upsetting because some days I did real well and didn't lose any and other days it…
  • Yeah unfortunately that is one of my quirks, take a simple concept and muddle it up by thinking too much. I guess my thought process is that if I went to the gym and burnt 400 calories in an hour, I would need to theoretically eat 2800 calories. My normal 2400 plus my replacement 400. However I only burned 300 additional…
  • LOL That was funny
  • Geez I dont get any
  • I wanted to say congrats to all the ladies above, It looks like th program has been great for all of you with all the weight loss. You all look great.
  • Keep up he good work, not everyday will be the same, some better than others but I think if you are consistent you will make progress. What I like about MFP is it helps raise awareness which helps you keep from getting seconds or grabbing that donut in the morning meeting. I know if I had a little extra calories I may work…
  • Great job.... Just remember this feeling in 15 years and your husband metabolism has changed and now he is struggling to keep the weight off. Maybe you can get him to visit MFP. I used to eat all I want maybe play a little basketball and drop 2 pounds. Now I am counting calories working out to burn em and drop about 2-3…
  • Definitely no expert here but it seems you should be able to splurge every now or then. I think what I learned is portion control and improving your exercise habits. I was driving around town and I saw a Restaurant I hadnt seen in a long time that I like quite a bit. I had some success in my life this last month so I…
  • Good luck, I am a newbie also and the group seems pretty decent. One thing I have learned is due diligence in determining the amount of servings you are taking in. I was actually eating many more servings then I thought before I got a scale. Just today I decided to actually measure my cereal in a measuring cup, what I…
  • I am new too, I don't really know the answer to this either. If you are wanting to lose weight don't you want to be under calorie goal.If that is the case it seems you wouldn't want to eat your calories back, however if you wanted to gain weight it would seem you do, is that correct? Also if you put in your profile that…
  • can you use food scales on vegies, I thought vegies were more a volume thing? Like 4oz of potatoes would not be the same as 4 oz of peas when it comes to servings.
  • Thanks, everyone. I appreciate all the input. I can see where the peer support can be very helpful.