Hey, everyone! I just started taking zoloft last week, and I was wondering if anyone else has taken this medication. I have a bit of post-partum depression and anxiety. I believe that my mental health is more important than appearance, but I would like to know if anyone has gained or lost a significant amount of weight on…
I found out yesterday that I have a uterine prolapse (I'm 2 weeks postpartum). Has anyone else had this problem? I'm so freaked out.
I just started incorporating more weight training in my workout, and I love it. Just a question though: how do I train to lose weight? I carry alot of weight in my stomach, and I know you cannot spot reduce. So, how do I burn from all over the body? Thanks.
I'm eating on a paleo/primal diet, and I cannot have normal potatoes. However, I have a delicious jar of salsa in my cabinet at home, and I NEED something crunchy to put in it. Does anyone know anything I can use?
I am on day 6 of eating primal, and I am really starting to enjoy it. The only problem is that the food cost is breaking me. Anyone have any tips? Thanks :)
My boyfriend and I are on day 3 of the primal blueprint. For the past few hours, he has noticed an increase in lower back pain. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm becoming concerned, because it seems to be as bad as a kidney stone painwise. Thanks :)