Need some new supportive people
I need new friends to help support me in my journey and people to help see how successful they have been in their weight loss journey.
Workout Playlist
I need some awesome workout music. Ideas anyone?? :) )
Good Exercise Plans for Beginners??
I am starting brand new and need some advice and help on good exercise plans. Any ideas? PLEASE PLEASE :) )
New && Need some friends && help
I started my fitness pal a while ago and then stopped doing it because I lost my motivation. I am back and really want to lose weight. I need some help with exercise plans, healthy foods, maybe some songs for a workout playlist, and of course new friends to help motivate me. If you'd love to be awesome enough and help me…
I need some tips!
So i'm in College and its really hard to eat anything healthy, the food they supply isn't healthy at all so i have to buy my own, which gets expensive! Any tips or recipes that I can use that can help me eat better or just feel better?
Question on 30 minute shred?
Does anybody know how I could log 30 minute shred on here? Still new, trying to learn everything. :)
Help me i'm new
Okay so somebody recently referred me to this website and i'm pretty confused. Any advice on explaining things more in depth?