Eatsmart scale?
Mine wont calibrate i got the glass one could anyone help me out? it turns on but it wont move from 0.0
My food diary someone help..
Okay everybody been saying i eat to little and i know i did i lost 20 lbs eating unhealthy but i upped my calories just a little bit this week and i gained 2 lbs but i will continue to try to hit my calorie goal. Can someone tell me if i ate good today i just am not good at eating all these calories for some reason i…
Lost 20 lbs but now...
Lost 20lbs but now i keep track of my calories on here and i gained 2 lbs.... look at my food diary and tell me why..
About to weigh myself but...
I just ate lunch because i weigh myself at the gym and if i workout i dont want to passout but should that add to my weight ? it wasnt a big lunch
It feels like im never going to be skinny...
I didnt know where to put this but 2 months in i lost 20lbs and now im about 200 lbs but it just feels like i will never get skinny my goal weight is 170 but i was never skinny in my whole life... at 170 ill be either skinny or almost there but it just seems ill never get there..
I need to eat more but cant...
Im 5'8 200lbs trying to lose 30lbs and i am suppose to eat around 1750 cal everyday. I eat around 900 calories a day but im satisfied and not hungry what should i do??
Calorie intake
Im a male 5'8 200lbs trying to get down to 170lbs. I know how all the macros work and i need to meet my calorie intake thats 1750 to lose 2lbs a week. I used to eat about 800-950 because i just wasnt hungry then i started just to drink my calories in protein drinks and added some snacks but im only at 1200 a day... i know…