What happened to Status Updates and Viewing Profiles
I was curious if this was an update from a while ago or if there is a problem with my account. I can no longer see my updates on my personal page, nor can I view much of anything on my friend pages. Was this an update requiring me now to upgrade to Premium?
Need help finding time in my day... (Example)
My challenge is finding the time, this is what I need help with. Today: 0515 - Get up and walk dogs around the block. Fold laundry & start new load. Feed dogs. Shower and get dressed. Help get my son ready for school. 0615 - We all leave the house and I drive 2 hours to customer site. 0800 - Working at customer site all…
Quitting smokeless tobacco - Dipping
Hey y'all.... today marks 2 weeks since I have had a dip. I know that it is a disgusting habit and I need to stop, but aside from the knowledge of possible health problems down the road, I really do not have a problem with it... I just know that I need to quit even though I didn't really want to.... The first two weeks…
Starting a family... how long did it take?
I’m just curious from all of the parents out there. When you were trying to start a family, how long did it take? I know some couples roll out babies like Ford rolls out cars, but I also know that other couples sometimes have to keep trying month after month. We’ve been at it for a number of months now… not complaining…
Any trustworthy weightlifting websites out there?
Can anyone recommend a good (trustworthy) website where I can get some good pointers on technique and form for weight lifting (deadlifts, bench, and squats mainly). I'm starting to get more weight on the bar and I don't want to end up pulling something or get in the pattern of a wrong form.
Lingerie question (buying for wife)
Ladies, I'm going to be buying some lingerie for my wife, nothing wild, but simple and sexy. Are there any other places out there aside from VS or Frederick's that y'all particularly like? I have bought her some clothes and lingerie from PIN UP GIRL CLOTHING and LADY MATE. Just curious if there are any other places that…
New Weight Selection App
Hey there is a new app for iphone that helps out with selecting the right weight ratios for circuit training. I know a lot of CrossFit people use it, but it is also great for any circuit training. http://wodright.com/ also available on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wodright/id875598869?ls=1&mt=8 DISCLAIMER: I am…
What dost thou wear to sleep?
I prefer a full Victorian sleeping shirt complete with long night cap! [ IMG ] http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTgxWDQwMA==/z/0OAAAMXQXMRR6Gfq/$T2eC16VHJIIFHJs0N1lsBR6GfqV9ZQ~~60_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F[ /IMG ] Or naked.... usually naked. HAHA
Who wants to see pics of my junk!?
Seriously I'm bored at work..... sending out junk pics!
The War of Genetic Aggression
The War of Genetic Aggression So I have been pretty active my whole life, from sailing, football, wrestling, cycling back in middle and high school to rugby in college and now I still play rugby, try to get out on the water when I can and get in a good bike ride from time to time. But I have always carried a bit of extra…
Has your weight loss tempted others to do the same
My question is, has anyone's weight loss prompted your significant other to also do the same. First off... just to be clear, my wife is not fat. She does have a pretty high metabolism and it seems that she gets to eat a bit more poorly than I do, where I would end up gaining a lot of weight and she doesn't. Where I am…