Sorry, no doubt this has been answered but curious whether I should aim to have my nett calories at my "goal" or at my "goal". Currently I'm set at about 1300-1400 goal, I tend to eat about that BUT after exercise everyday it knocks 300-500 off and puts my nett calories around 1000. Should I be eating to aim for a net of…
I've been avoiding the scales since I sprained my ankle late February (and just so we are clear we aren't talking about a "minor" or "moderate" sprain, we are talking.... ambulance ride, cam walker straight on, 4mths of physio & in two weeks time (5 months later!!!!) I will be getting a full ankle reconstruction! So I will…
Hi All! I've recently started to "try" jogging (mostly because I want to be able to run with my dog and increase the burn!!) BUUUUUUTTT after 1-2 minutes the same calf muscle cramps up (nearly caused me to fall off the treadmill last night!) and I have to stop and stick to walking again. I thought it may be dehydration so…