okay, how do we slim those hips?
Hello I joined this group hoping to get tips on how to slim my hips. Okay so I've heard the bit about target slimming doesn't work and you have to lose fat all over but there must be something to help! Lately I find myself looking at other women trying to determine if my hips are comparable - in general I *kitten* that…
Introducing Myself - 5'4'' and 139lbs
Hello Okay so I'm really 5'3.75'' but i give myself 5ft 4 if i sit up straight! I used to be a super skinny girl with a 6 pack until i was 28 and 105 pounds soaking wet. Then I went backpacking around the world and got a parasite which killed my abs (bloated parasite belly - thank you India :-/ ) and when I got rid of it…
looking to lose grad school weight - anyone else?
Hello, So I'm at the end of my grad degree and I'm looking to lose what I've been referring to as my "dissertation baby weight." A number of my friends have legitimately gained weight having babies, but I've gained almost as much just sitting and writing and stressing out and not exercising for the past .... ummm...…