Back on board again
I'm working on losing the next 100 pounds over the next 12 months. I've already lost over 100, but regained about 40 when I started having significant knee pain. I'm using a walker, and that has helped me in two ways. First, it reduces my pain while walking, helping me walk longer and second it reminds me what it would…
Emotional eating help when under high stress.
I had minor surgery on monday to see if I have cancer (and it came back negative for that, but there are "pre-cancer" cells) I've been struggling with emotional eating this week and wanting to literally stuff it with food. I've been able to limit this, but I'm still reacting to stress with food. Any suggestions? Things…
MISO soups - what brand/type is the best tasting
I love miso, but have always had it in the restaurant only. I want to make this at home, and would love some suggestions on brand and type. Thanks so much!!
My Bill of Rights
I took a class over the summer and there was a "bill of rights" that was handed out in class. It hits many of my emotional issues. I hope this helps someone else as well!! :happy: I have the right to: • Feel good about myself no matter what I weigh. • Be treated with dignity and respect • Follow my own values and standards…
FitBit - anyone have one?
I'm thinking about buying one to replace my current pedometer when I hit my next weight goal. I'm just wondering how good they are and if they are worth the money.
Looking for cohorts in weight loss :)
I'm 48 with three grandkiddos that I want to keep up with. Need to lose the extra, so I can. On a journey, and it's about the journey right now :happy: Looking for journey partners Alicia
Looking for friends to share some major weight losses with.
As of this morning I weigh 345.5 down from 384.4 a year ago. I have almost 200 pounds to go, but I look at each pound as an accomplishment. :happy: I herniated a disc a year and a half ago, and then discovered I am sensative to Nsaids and asprin (asthma symptoms). Pain control has been a pain to say the least. I'm working…