eurgh i need a rant and to write this to make myself busy.. he is sat next to me munching on doritos and galazy chocolate and chocolate milkyway stars.. i can smell the doritos and they'r making my stomach grumble... ahhhh help me please in this time of need lol!!! emily x
hey, just wanted to know, obvi its harder for us to loose the last stubborn pounds as we rnt as big, does anyone use weight loss suppliments? ive tried loads but cant find one that actually works and want to know is it cos im choosing the wrong ones or r they all pretty much a disapointment?? x
okay so only been doing my fitness and diet for a week and did a fitness classevery single day last week and ate under my cal goals then my partner came home ( he works away during the week) on thursday and yesterday and today have gone way over my cal intake, feeling kinda dispaointed and bad do u think its ruined the…
hey i really need help, the last week i started my new diet/fitness regime and have stayed under my calorie goal and have been excersizing really hard every day but have put on a pound? am really disapointed :-( i know muscle weighs more than fat but will i always be 10 stone 10 or if i keep putting muscle weight on i…