who else here loves sushi!? I am so addicted I eat atleast one sushi roll a day and its so good for you as long as you stay away from the tempura sushi! my personal fave is salmon and avocado, avocado is an unsaturated fat which means its so good for you! anyone who is also a sushi lover please add me :)
What are people's thoughts on the new 5:2 bikini diet ? For two days a week you are only allowed to eat 500 calories and then for the rest you eat what you like and you lose half a kilo a week :) of course you still have to exercise and such , my mum is doing it atm and its working she's lost 2 kilos in 3 weeks !!! It also…
does drinking metamucil make you gain weight or lose weight ? and is it good for you ? :)
does anyone know any low fat , low carb snacks that dont have many calories :) ? suggestions would be wonderful ^_^
australiansssssssssssss where you at ?
Hey so I'm a teenager and have never liked the taste of fruit and vegetables! I was just wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas on how to make such foods taste better or how to make myself less fussy haha?