piss off a lot of people at one time?
What's something you could say to piss off a lot of people at one time? ie: "Star Wars and Star Trek are basically the same thing."
Doctor Poo
How do you know when you're done wiping?
This was brought up in the office when someone asked how do blind people know when they're done wiping? So, do you look at the paper to see if there's still poo, or do you go by feel?
This dude has the right idea.
Fix all of her problems, then marry her. Now I just need to get a woman to let me perform surgery on her. http://www.divaasia.com/media_photo/26664
https://www.goodreads.com/ Who has an account there? It's a pretty nifty website to keep track of books you read, review them, and get recommendations for new books to read. I suggest it, and I'm trying to use it more often than I have in the past. Everyone, if you have an account, post your goodreads username if you want…
Electronic Cigarettes
Who here uses them? I haven't had a real smoke since I bought these. I have some Blu's. Anyone else use them or any other kind? Reviews?
Don't you hate it when...
you post in the rate the person above you threads, and the person that rates you is ugly? I mean, I rate to be rated by hot people. Discuss.
NFL Free Agency Thread
As a Texans fan, all I can say is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK Officially lost Quin and Casey already, cut Walter, and losing Barwin soon. And Cody. And Demps. And fml.
Nerds? NERDS!
So, since apparently you can be a nerd for any reason, you just say I'm a _____ NERD! and people seem to be ok with it, I'm a football nerd. Screw the fact that nerd has an actual definition, that's dumb. I GO BY MY OWN RULES. ANARCHY NERD!