I think my legs are strong enough...
My trainer had me do some double-leg press work today (I normally just do single-leg), and I was interested to find out what sort of weight he was going to have me do, since he's been a very good judge of my capabilities, and always pushing me to do more than I think I can do. After a quick warmup, he proceeded to load up…
Exercises to prepare for soccer
Now that I'm 50 pounds down from my peak weight (:smile: ), I can start to think about getting back out on the pitch and kicking the ball around without killing myself in the first five minutes. :laugh: I've been doing weight lifting and cardio for about four months now, and I'm probably stronger than I ever have been, and…
Wanted: gym shoes/clothes recommendations
Now that the new year has arrived and I can get reimbursed for fitness-related expenses, it is time to buy a new pair of shoes and some more appropriate workout clothes. My current shoes are 15+ year old New Balance cross-trainers that have seen much better days. Workout gear is a pair of cheap synthetic shorts and a old…
Traveling to the UK
I'll be staying in London on business for 10 days starting this weekend, and would like advice/suggestions on healthy eating options there, restaurants/chains/foods to avoid, interesting things to try, and whatever else you can think up. I am not one for a typical English breakfast (aka heart attack on a plate :smile:),…
NSV: Fitness Test Results
Since I started working out in mid-September, my trainer has put me through a fitness test every 4-6 weeks to measure my progress. The test is timed end-to-end (any rest time you need is included in the result), and consists of five exercises, each 100 reps: 100 TRX push-ups (initially wall push-ups, now they are adjusted…
Here's my story
I'm a 44 year-old father and husband about 10 weeks into my weight loss plan, and so far so good: I am 30 pounds down from my high-water mark, with another 40 to go to my goal. What spurred me on this journey was my head and my heart: my head looked at the great weight management program that my company offered its…