Hey all, I need help. I'm a 22 year old female im 5'9 and 167lbs. My weight fluctuates a ridiculous amount. I'm an active person and I eat extremely healthy and have done so for the majority of my life. I get in about 30 - 75 minutes of cardio a day on a regular week....not the type of person to sit down and watch TV after…
Hey guys, Because of my back problems I have been sticking to mainly running and cycling to lose weight but it doesnt seem to be doing the trick. I am currently 154lbs and 5'8. Most of my weight is around my stomach and I would like to know what are some effective core exercises I can do without hurting my back? Also how…
It seems no matter how much I work out, the fat around my core will not burn or turn into muscle. I lose inches no problem but i cant gain any muscle. I eat healthy and I drink plenty of water. I work out at least 3 times a week. Im really not a fan of weights, i try and stick to mainly cardio....swimming, belly dancing,…
Liberte yogurts are amazing, very yummy! Just pick your favorite flavour and add some grinded flax seeds, granola, and or oatmeal. I eat a combination of these at least once a day and it is extremely tastey and very filling. If i get sick of just yogurt I start throwing it in a blender with fruits and veggies.