I'm petite- 5'2 and have a small-medium build, except for my breasts. My "correct" bra size is a 32H, anyone know where to find decent bras in that size that aren't terribly expensive? I've tried lots of different sizes that are widely available, but nothing has fit quite right. Thanks.
What's your most "embarrassing food moment"? I had one yesterday. There was a leadership fair in the student center of the university I attend. Away from all the booths was this big lovely table of coffee and muffins and other goodies. My school does a lot of free food events like this and people were just walking up to…
No matter how well I think I'm doing, I always end up over my calorie limit. Part of it is that I live on a college campus and my healthy choices are severely limited and not very filling. How do I train myself to stay under my calorie limit and still be satisfied? I drink a ton of water already. Help?
I'm a college student living in a dorm. The cafeteria food is awful and I can't afford to buy groceries so I'm stuck eating the cafeteria. Sometimes, the only edible option is cookies or a peanut butter sandwich. Even when healthier options are available, I tend to lean towards the deserts and fat laden entrees. I'm new to…