Embarrassing Food Moment

What's your most "embarrassing food moment"? I had one yesterday. There was a leadership fair in the student center of the university I attend. Away from all the booths was this big lovely table of coffee and muffins and other goodies. My school does a lot of free food events like this and people were just walking up to the table and getting a snack. I started making a cup of coffee when this lady comes up to me and asks where my punch card is. Apparently, you had to get four punches from the leadership fair in order to gain access to the food table. There was no sign or anything and I like I stated earlier, people were just taking food from the table. I was embarrassed and would have gone through the fair to get the punches but I was short on time. She let me take my coffee and muffin and I ran away shamefaced. I get greedy about food and then get guilty later. Anyone else ever have embarrassing food moments like these?


  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I had a similar experience. I was at a cafeteria, and there was a long line. I started eating my food before I paid for it. When I got to the register, I realized that I didn't have my wallet. AWKWARD.