Hello awesome people! I wanted to ask if people know of blenders that'll turn ice to slush instead of big crunchy rocks in drinks? (Please don't say Vitamix or Blentec though or I'll be very sad- can't afford one of those!) I love my smoothies and blended ice coffees and drinks, but my Breville blender's 'ice crushing'…
Bazinga. Greetings everyone, newbie alert- please don't eat me! (You really wouldn't want to anyway, I'm full of carbs- especially sugar). So over the course of a year I lost quite a bit of wait- about two stone in fact. And I managed to keep it off for months, but now the scale is creeping back up again, and I've got the…
So what do you do when it feels like (even if it's not really true) everyone around you wants you to be fat? Maybe that's a litlte melodramatic- I know my friends and family don't want me to be fat (at least a rather hope not!) However I have found that friends and family, whilst seeming to be supportive and loving me just…