Hello everybody. I'm just coming back to this site to try and get the weight off. Looking for people to help keep me motivated.
Hello all. I am once again starting this. I need a serious kick in the butt and people who will help keep motivation up. I tend to start and stop with the health eating and exercising, sometimes on the same day. It didn't help that I broke my foot and needed surgery, but now that that's all fixed, I am going to go at this…
ok. i need help. i have started doing the P90X system today(YAY ME. Even though i think it might kill me). is there a list in the exercise diary that i can just add my exercises or do i need to go through and do them all one by one? ex: squats, lunges, tires, etc.....
I find that whenever I get stressed out (which usually includes fighting with my family) I just want to eat crap food and not do anything. Anyone have suggestions on how to curb that?