After looking thru pics on Facebook today I firmly believe my head is lopsided. Anyone else have this problem?
Im doing my first 5k tomorrow morning. Id like anyones advice on what to expect when jogging in large groups. I'm a little bit freaked out by the notion.
The worst thing I get when talking to someone and they ask how big I am and when I tell them there only response is "ohh" then silence. Has any one else dealt with the "ohh" ? I can't think if anyway you can take that as a positive.
Anyone change scales during your weight loss? If so did you change to a higher end scale and the weight was different? I have an off brand from Walmart and a fitbit Aria ... There is about a 3lbs difference.
Ok so I need some help. Several places on the net have differing ideas on this topic and I'm not sure which to believe. Does your body become used to certain actions done daily so that you gain no benefit from them? I do a lot of repetitive walking and my app says I'm burning calories. Is it burning or does my body just…