Special K
Is there anyone whose ever tried the Special K diet? I`ve done it in the past and it does work. I buy the special K redberries because (measuring by cup) its the lowest in calories, bout 110 per cup and I use half a cup of 1% milk, with a side of raw fruit. I do this for breakfast and lunch, with maybe a snack in between.…
Is there anybody out thee who likes zumba as much as me? I have tried soo may workouts from the treadmill, to step classes, strength training, belly dancing, cycling, p90x, but zumba tops them all!! You can truly feel the burn in that 1 hour of dancing, but my mind is tricked into thinking Im having fun and dancing,…
Dance Central
Does anybody have dance central on kinect, and if so, how is it? It is recommended to me by a friend. I`m thinking about trying it out.
Hello all, I`m new to the community. I just gave birth to my third child 4 months ago, and I`m looking for support to reach my weight loss goal. I will be more than happy as well to help others thats struggling with this journey. I think we all can benefit from, and help each other! I`m so excited about getting fit, lean,…