Hi. I've just started, staring at day 2 in my food journal. A big problem I can already see is that when we go out to dinner, I don't know how to count some of the foods. Some are not listed, and you surely don't know what they will add. Have any ideas (other than the most obvious of 'don't go out'? Good luck everyone. I…
Racing in my second tri Saturday --- an open-water sprint. I really slacked on training in the past month, And I'm still riding a hybrid. Hoping ni can t least improve my run time! Good luck to anyone else racing this week!
This is my new favorite food, folks. I have to share. It's so flavorful, filling and low calorie. Tilapia tacos 1-2 filets tilapia mango cut cabbage onions asian chili sauce Cut the tilapia into pieces (not too small because they'll break apart) cook in olive oil or plain, with the cut up onions. then, put the fish into…
Hello all. I'm on round two of this. Alas, a bout of depression got me off track. New year, new outlook, I say. Good luck to all and let's all try to stay motivated!