Does anyone use their ipod touch and the myfitnesspal app? Is it easy to use and update? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Egg Nog Latte Recipe :: copy cat to Starbucks Egg Nog Latte :heart: Ingredients: 1/2 cup egg nog (Borden is very thick and good and Starbucks uses a local brand according to the area they are in) 1/4 cup whole milk or 2% milk. (recommend whole for frothing) 1 – 2 shots espresso or 1/4 c Espresso Roast coffee (ground and…
I've been considering purchasing a Nuwave Oven and I thought I'd see what MFP users think of this appliance
Have you tried the Pointsplus Program and found it difficult to follow and returned to your previous Weight Watcher Program? I've returned to Momentum today.
These are the absolute best tarts I have ever had. Christmas Tarts Tart Shells (makes 24 mini or 10-12 regular) 1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup icing sugar 1 tsp corn starch 1 cup all purpose flour Cream butter - sift dry ingred. and add to butter and mix well. form into balls, press into tart pan using fingers or tart tapper. Bake…
Has anyone gotten the H1N1 shot yet or are you planning on getting it at all?
I am starting over again, lost 25 pounds last year but have gained 10 pounds back, time to get serious again. Please wish me luck.