How can I reset/empty my recent foods and recipes?
So I've been drinking protein smoothies pretty regularly, but today I finally added kale to the mix. If you're looking to add some extra potassium to your diet, this will help! I do 1/2 cup of frozen fruit, 1 cup of vanilla yogurt (usually dannon lite and fit) and 1 scoop of vanilla flavored whey protein. Today was the…
This routine is a two-a-day workout with cardio at lunch and strength training in the evening. It includes Insanity, T25, P90X and Stronglifts 5x5. Let me know if anyone else it up to this 9 week challenge.
I've been invited to dinner. He's making chili rubbed tilapia and I volunteered to bring a side dish...any suggestions for what would make a good, quick and easy side dish for this? Thanks!
If you had the choice to walk around showing VPLs (visible panty lines) or dimples (that pesky cellulite that clings to the bottom cheeks) by wearing a thong or going commando, which would you choose?
I can google and compare, but there are just some restaurants out there that won't show you what their nutritional values are. How would I go about getting it? Do I have to call corporate or something?!?
I'm going to be running the Tough Mudder is just over 2 weeks. Any suggestions on what I should eat before I hit the 10-12 mile obstacle course? Thanks!