Is Bigger REALLY Better??
I have a friend who is a small B cup....her boyfriend thinks she needs to get implants because he likes bigger boobs. She thinks she is just fine the way she is and doesn't really want a boob job. She is head over heels in love with him (or so she says) and wants to keep him happy, so she has been considering it for the…
Leave the Heavy Lifting to the MEN!!
I hear people talking ALLL the time about how women can lift just as good as men can and not get big and SUPAH bulky doing it. I'm sorry, but I just don't see it. Women CANNOT do everything that men can do and I think lifting is a prime example of this. Ya'll should just leave the lifting to the men, since at least THEY…
To all you rockers out there!!
I'm listening to the greatest hits album, Three Sixty by A Perfect Circle...it makes me realize how much I LOVE Maynard and everything by A Perfect Circle and Tool. So, what are your favorite songs by either band? Mine are Judith, The Outside, Sober and Schism!