I can not eat any fruits and am very limited on the vegetables I can eat. I have lost 28lbs and need to lose another 42ish. I am 26 and go to the gym 5 days a week however I only do the treadmill/elliptical since that is all the dr. will okay due to my umbilical hernia (that he will not fix until I lose weight). I know…
I have food allergies and they have gotten more severe than they were last time I lost weight (before becoming pregnant and having my sweet baby girl). In the last 3 weeks I have tried my old recipes and have ended up with swollen face , throat , blisters in the mouth and even a trip to the Emergency Room. I am…
I joined my local YMCA last week and I am working on the treadmill. I have a umbilical hernia so I am limited on what I can do and 2 years ago I lost 30lbs just by walking around my neighborhood but now with 3 little kids that isn't reasonable for me so I am looking to use the treadmill to lose weight. I am breastfeeding…
I am allergic to most fruits/vegetables so I need healthy snacks/meals that don't include fruits or veggies. I normally would eat them and just take Benadryl if I needed to however I am breastfeeding and Benadryl is a no-no during breastfeeding. Fruits/Vegetables make my mouth swell and itch and some will actually cause my…
I used this site last year and lost 30lbs. I got pregnant by surprise and took a break from here and now I am back and ready to tackle the 75lbs I hope to lose. I am however exclusively breastfeeding my daughter (4 weeks on Wednesday) and not sure how that effects the number of calories I need. Any nursing mama's here ?