Hey everyone! I've been on MFP for nearly a month now and lost just over 9 pounds now (4kg), so really happy! :) I've also started noticing a little bit of change so that's good. However, guess this is my first "bump" on the road - went out for some food and a film with friends and ended up doing nearly 3 times my calorie…
Hey guys, So, been going at my gym routine and diet for 3 weeks now and lost 7 pounds already! However, recently I've started feeling agonizing pain in my legs, at the front, below the knees to specific. I've narrowed it down to a thing called shin splints, apparently all new joggers get it. Now I can't do my usual…
Hey everyone, I am Eugene and I've started my (here's hoping) significantly longer journey than the previous attempts! I find the site extremely helpful and also just the fact that there is a community of people to discuss and share my experience with. So, yeah. Hi.