Struggling to eat. Halp pls.
I'm having a really strange problem this last week. I find myself having a healthy meal and then struggling to make up the calories elsewhere. I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat and it's not entirely pleasant. I've struggled with undiagnosed disordered eating since I was fifteen: extreme restriction(under 500 calories),…
Weightloss causing acne?
I've never taken care of my skin but it's always been notably clear and I got compliments for it all the time. Two months into my new healthy diet and running hobby I break out on my forehead and to either side of my nose. I mean, who ever heard of getting spots at the end of their teens?! So I Googled it:…
Vidya makes me lose weight. Probably. Hi.
Hello, I've been using the app for quite a while to track myself. It was sort of like stumbling on an interesting sidequest to my life. That's how I'm seeing it. I eat some stuff, run some stuff and I get a score. Excellent. Been doing that my whole life. Scores are my addiction. I didn't really plan on talking on the…