Weightloss causing acne?

I've never taken care of my skin but it's always been notably clear and I got compliments for it all the time. Two months into my new healthy diet and running hobby I break out on my forehead and to either side of my nose. I mean, who ever heard of getting spots at the end of their teens?!

So I Googled it: http://collectionartantique.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/common-signs-of-weight-loss-acne.html

And now I'm here asking if this is legit. Has anyone else experienced temporary bad skin? Was it actually permanent or did it go away once you'd reached a weight that you maintained? I'm really interested by this.


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Are you washing your face after you run? The increased activity could certainly be a culprit.

    Also, the no acne past your teens is a total myth. I'm 37 and still get breakouts from time to time, as do my friends. My mother, 62 years old, still gets the occasional zit. Age has little to do with it.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Two months out seems kind of late, but you could be eliminating toxins through your healthy lifestyle, and the acne will pass. (But as the previous person said, unfortunately, acne doesn't magically stop when you turn 20. Mine actually kicked in when I was 25.)
  • Mechanikitty
    Mechanikitty Posts: 90 Member
    Oh, bugger.

    As for running I shower afterwards. I think it's finally the time in my life to invest in a moisturiser. Bleh...