I was talking to my mom about the P90 X and she said "don't you mean P90??" I was like noooooo. Come to find out she has the origianal P90 befor P90X. Any who, she gave it to me last night and I was reading it over and came across an insert called Fast Start. recomended to start over the weekend. Basically: A 2 day liquid…
I was wondering what program or video's everybody is doing and how it is working for you. As of right now I am doing a Pick Your Spot Pilates with Ellan Barrett. I really like it it is low impact and I LOVE that. But I think I would do better with a program that has goals. Like Slim in 6. its a 6 week program 3 disc set.…
So I started back in September with working out daily and something happened and I put it off for 2 months. Well I started back up in November and am still workingout everyday and eating healthier. Well I have noticed that my baby fat (flaby belly) wont go away but I can feel my muscles underneath. if I lay on my back or…