
I was talking to my mom about the P90 X and she said "don't you mean P90??" I was like noooooo. Come to find out she has the origianal P90 befor P90X. Any who, she gave it to me last night and I was reading it over and came across an insert called Fast Start. recomended to start over the weekend.
Basically: A 2 day liquid Fasting having Freshley squeezed diluted fruit juice for meal times and room temp water in between. This is to help futher flush out toxins from the body, as well as control hunger cravings. Basically shriking you stomach.
You would start working out to the program that Monday. This is all to jump start your weight loss.
It says Lose 5-10lbs. & 2-5 inches in your first week?!?!
How many of you have done this and is it really that healthy to do? I'm surprized that this is an optional part of the program!!


  • sweetteacher123
    Just be very careful with detoxes like this. Often, they can have the exact opposite effect, making you so incredibly hungry that you will shove anything yummy in your mouth and eat, eat, eat! Plus, if you don't have a lot to lose, these programs will make you feel icky and with no energy to workout! Be careful.