Hey Ya'all! its almost time. I am so excited. I have taken a vacation day from work Thursday to see the Twilight Marathon- all 5 movies back to back. So, I dont know if I will be able to take food in. I dont know if there will be in and out privs to go to my car and have a healthy snack. And movie theatre food.... well…
Is anyone else unable to get their Fit Bit to adjust for Daylight savings? I sure would appreciate some instruction here. :)
Hi yall. I just stated Couch25K and am new to running- well to exercise in general. LOL anyhow, my calves are killing me. I have good running shoes. any tips? Thanks!
kinda new on here. struggled with weight like since FOREVER. trying some new things as I get closer to 40- like training for a 5k just won a new Fit Bit at a Fitness Challenge at work by losing 18.2 pounds in 2 months, so I am pumped. anyhoooo- nice to meet you all. T