Hey fellow weight losers, I know one can not spot reduce fat. I get. But as I am coming closer to my weight goal, I am trying very hard to shape up through weight and strength training. Have laid off cardio centric exercises, and do these maybe once or twice a week. Rest of the week is more weight training and isometric…
Hey... Was wondering if anyone else has had this issue while losing weight. I never had the thickest locks but the amount of hair I am losing is ridiculous. It started when my weight loss reached 5 kgs and since then I have consistently being losing weight. Initially wasn't too bothered about supplements n vits but since…
Hey weight watchers! I have been on a weight losing crusade since Jan this year. Watching my diet diligently and working out six days a week (well most weeks barring a few in which i was travelling). Anyhow, I have primarily been doing a mix of cardio and resistance over the months and managed to lose 10 kgs in all. I am a…