Shaping up that insidious hip bone area....

Hey fellow weight losers,

I know one can not spot reduce fat. I get. But as I am coming closer to my weight goal, I am trying very hard to shape up through weight and strength training. Have laid off cardio centric exercises, and do these maybe once or twice a week. Rest of the week is more weight training and isometric exercises for toning muscles and shaping up.

I have a trouble zone which has always been chunky and flabby. Its a zone of fat right across my hips where there are hip bones. You know between where muffin tops and saddle bags exist. Its just ungainly. I have a small waist, but due to this bit of trouble area the waist line and hips look bigger than they actually are. The fat doesn't just exist on the side it goes back to the top of the butt as well.

I dunno whether I am explaining this well. But it gives a very ungainly boxy look to my behind. I am not talking about spot reducing the fat there but some tips on what would be good toning moves may really help.



  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    This will be a function of running a calorie deficit and continuing your current program.
  • I think maybe you’re talking about what they call "love handles". I know mine went down after I dropped a bit of weight. I mainly swam and walked along with having a calorie deficit. but I've heard you can do exercises to increase your muscles back there. Like lying flat on your tummy and raising your legs. Exercises for back dimples and they work the same area. :P
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    When you make muscles under the fat bigger, isn't that going to push the fat out of the way, resulting in an even bigger look?

    There is no spot reducing. Why do people keep looking for it? OP is saying "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce anyway?".
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    When you make muscles under the fat bigger, isn't that going to push the fat out of the way, resulting in an even bigger look?

    There is no spot reducing. Why do people keep looking for it? OP is saying "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce anyway?".

    That's what everyone posting threads like these is saying.

    For some reason they think they just might be special snowflakes...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    When you make muscles under the fat bigger, isn't that going to push the fat out of the way, resulting in an even bigger look?

    There is no spot reducing. Why do people keep looking for it? OP is saying "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce anyway?".

    That's what everyone posting threads like these is saying.

    For some reason they think they just might be special snowflakes...

    While I appreciate you taking time out and commenting...I was simply looking for advise on toning exercises which might help. There is really no need to be cryptic...jeez. Its not like I haven't reduced size or lost inches there. While everything else is shaping up this is taking way too much time.

    I get will probably take a lot more time and effort.

    And I thought this was a support group.....
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When you make muscles under the fat bigger, isn't that going to push the fat out of the way, resulting in an even bigger look?

    There is no spot reducing. Why do people keep looking for it? OP is saying "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce anyway?".

    That's what everyone posting threads like these is saying.

    For some reason they think they just might be special snowflakes...

    While I appreciate you taking time out and commenting...I was simply looking for advise on toning exercises which might help. There is really no need to be cryptic...jeez. Its not like I haven't reduced size or lost inches there. While everything else is shaping up this is taking way too much time.

    I get will probably take a lot more time and effort.

    And I thought this was a support group.....

    The is a specific forum just for support. You didn't post in that forum, you posted in fitness and exercise. Thus, we're here to help and to educate, not to support and coddle.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!


  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I would look online for exercises for lower back and hip areas, that should help strengthen up those muscles. & if you are continuing to lose weight and also working those muscles I think they should slim down and tone up over time.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think maybe you’re talking about what they call "love handles". I know mine went down after I dropped a bit of weight. I mainly swam and walked along with having a calorie deficit. but I've heard you can do exercises to increase your muscles back there. Like lying flat on your tummy and raising your legs. Exercises for back dimples and they work the same area. :P

    You can't really get rid of back dimples. They're genetic from the way a tendon/ligament connects.

    But anyway, if they're love handles, they'll be on the side around the back a bit. You'll just have to eat at a calorie deficit and strength train to reduce them. Sounds like you're doing good so far.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think maybe you’re talking about what they call "love handles". I know mine went down after I dropped a bit of weight. I mainly swam and walked along with having a calorie deficit. but I've heard you can do exercises to increase your muscles back there. Like lying flat on your tummy and raising your legs. Exercises for back dimples and they work the same area. :P

    You can't really get rid of back dimples. They're genetic from the way a tendon/ligament connects.

    But anyway, if they're love handles, they'll be on the side around the back a bit. You'll just have to eat at a calorie deficit and strength train to reduce them. Sounds like you're doing good so far.

    why would you want to get rid back dimples?! i thought they were a good thing!?
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!

    This. My body loves carrying weight on my hips...all the way around to created a "shelf" on my tooshie. It might just be the very last thing to go. Keep up the calorie deficit (and make sure you're recalculating it as you lose) and it WILL come off!
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    When you make muscles under the fat bigger, isn't that going to push the fat out of the way, resulting in an even bigger look?

    There is no spot reducing. Why do people keep looking for it? OP is saying "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce anyway?".

    That's what everyone posting threads like these is saying.

    For some reason they think they just might be special snowflakes...

    While I appreciate you taking time out and commenting...I was simply looking for advise on toning exercises which might help. There is really no need to be cryptic...jeez. Its not like I haven't reduced size or lost inches there. While everything else is shaping up this is taking way too much time.

    I get will probably take a lot more time and effort.

    And I thought this was a support group.....

    The is a specific forum just for support. You didn't post in that forum, you posted in fitness and exercise. Thus, we're here to help and to educate, not to support and coddle.

    I am alllll for being educated and don't particularly like being 'coddled' :) which is why I specifically posted in this forum...inquiring about exercises which would help. However, I would naturally take exception to comments like "For some reason they think they just might be special snowflakes..."

    I mean we are all here to lose weight, and we all have our unique challenges along the way, and we seek support and guidance from others to see what it is that we might be doing wrong. Its not like I am looking for short cuts. I have lost more than 26 lbs, I eat clean, work out 6 days a week. So that response was completely unsolicited.
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!

    This. My body loves carrying weight on my hips...all the way around to created a "shelf" on my tooshie. It might just be the very last thing to go. Keep up the calorie deficit (and make sure you're recalculating it as you lose) and it WILL come off!

    I know!!! I have seen realllly big women with a more shapely behind...honestly! Its just the genetic formation of our backsides. Even super skinny models with this hip type have this slight bulge on the side...isn't it? Oh well we just need to work a little bit harder I guess :)
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!

    Vanity aptly put :) And you are right just need to be a bit more patient and keep at it....
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    The best exercise to lose fat - from anywhere on the body - is vigorous cardio done frequently. So i would increase your cardio.

    Strength training helps too, if it's a good program. Which program are you following?
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    regardless of where it is on your body, its just fat... so all you can do is have a moderate calorie deficit and do some resistance/strenght training work....

    you have to have a lot of patience when it comes to fat loss that is essentially 'vanity fat'!!

    This. My body loves carrying weight on my hips...all the way around to created a "shelf" on my tooshie. It might just be the very last thing to go. Keep up the calorie deficit (and make sure you're recalculating it as you lose) and it WILL come off!

    I know!!! I have seen realllly big women with a more shapely behind...honestly! Its just the genetic formation of our backsides. Even super skinny models with this hip type have this slight bulge on the side...isn't it? Oh well we just need to work a little bit harder I guess :)
    I've accepted that it'll probably be spring forever. I really don't have energy to get to and maintain some sort of crazy low bf% - more power to those who do. If it isn't gone by 20%, we'll just be friends forever :)
  • Sarahrahi
    Sarahrahi Posts: 32 Member
    The best exercise to lose fat - from anywhere on the body - is vigorous cardio done frequently. So i would increase your cardio.

    Strength training helps too, if it's a good program. Which program are you following?

    I started insanity, but I sustained an ankle injury after completing the first month. Since then my ankles are a bit susceptible to acting out if I do anything too rigorous. I am currently doing a mix of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones, Fat Blasting Cardio, Cardio Kick Boxing, and Pauline Nordin's Butt Bible (Upper+Lower) Level 3. I also often bring in routines 2 & 3 of 30 Day Shred along with 20 minutes on treadmill as a follow up and finish off routine to the above work outs. I am toning up, there is no doubt. Weighing scale isn't budging but that's ok I am a respectable weight. But this problem area is just taking a lot of time :)
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    The best exercise to lose fat - from anywhere on the body - is vigorous cardio done frequently. So i would increase your cardio.

    Strength training helps too, if it's a good program. Which program are you following?

    That's not my experience so far.

    I find the best way to lose fat is to eat less than you expend. The best way to preserve muscle is weight training.

    When I want to improve my conditioning I then turn to cardio (speed rope). But if I don't eat enough to make up for the calories burned, I recover more slowly from strength training.

    So in short, cardio once a week while on a deficit is plenty, just to maintain conditioning. But as a weight loss tool I have not found it to be helpful. Better to just eat less.