Folks, after a little advice .... my "little boy" has just turned 18, and he's what I would describe as a "big unit" .... some may be less tactful ;) He's 6'1" and over just 300lb / 140kg / 22st He is generally sedentary (read "gamer") , but is a surprisingly able cyclist .... we quite often do 40 mile road/offroad rides…
Hi all, back in the swing of things again after a shocking 17st weigh in after Christmas.... I think it may have been a battery glitch because it then dropped to 16St 10.8 on 2ndry weighs .... but it was a eye opener and kickstarted me. I'm a computer contractor and hence work away from home a lot. Sometimes I can use my…
Afternoon all, I lost quite a bit a year ago.... but change of job/ my liking of beer/ willpower of a gnat/ any excuse you like ...... it's crept back on. Having found myself working away from home again, it means I can much better control my food. I now dont have beer in the working week and will try restricting it at the…