Changing eating pattern.

Hi all,
back in the swing of things again after a shocking 17st weigh in after Christmas.... I think it may have been a battery glitch because it then dropped to 16St 10.8 on 2ndry weighs .... but it was a eye opener and kickstarted me.

I'm a computer contractor and hence work away from home a lot.
Sometimes I can use my caravan as a "home from home" and can therefore cook and control what I eat well.
However other times I'm forced to stay in hotels :0( .... before Christmas I was in a hotel in a town center with loads of eating options ..... problem was I tried them all :0/ .... ohhh Chiquitos, I love Mexican ... couple of beers, starter, maincourse .... Pizza, Frankie & Bennies, curry ...... hence the 17st.

Now I've changed what I do.... I use the works canteen at lunch, which is actually pretty good , offering good vegetarian options too ( I'm not a veggie but I do try and eat veggie a few days a week.) , and then have a smaller evening meal in the hotel room, something I can 'cook' with no real facilities. Bean and Tuna salad, cheese and biscuits, mash potato and chicken breast... I do ok.

Also cut out the alcohol. Had a few beers last weekend and didn't enjoy them at all.

And doing more exercise, can run 3 miles in 35 mins and I cycle singlespeed .... 2 hours last night mixed on and offroad.

The change in eating pattern has really helped.

We also bought a slow cooker which is just sublime and means we can do fantastic stews and soups, pulled pork, etc..

Anyway enough of me. Too much tbh ;0)

Thanks for listening.
