March Challenge!
MARCH CHALLENGE ♣ -- In like a Lion, Out like a Lion!! I want each and everyone of you R.O.A.R.ing this month. No slacking, no excuses! 100% on as much as you can!!! I will ROAR, Will you?? (R-Refuse to Quit O-Overcome All Obstacles A-Account for my actions R-Reach all my goals ) How are you doing so far?? Check in here !
March Check in
How's things going for you so far this month?? DETAILS!!!
Virtual 5k & 10k April 21st 2013
R-Refuse to Quit O-Overcome all Obstacles A- Account for my actions R-Reach all of my goals There's a Fierce Dandy lion in all of us! Lets join together and all commit to a virtual 5 or 10 k -- Mark your calendars! If you cannot complete it that day, then commit do doing it on or BEFORE that day.:flowerforyou: Walk, Jog,…
Welcome Home!!
Our new home on the web
Exercise check in for February 17-23rd
What have you done for YOU ? Post your accomplishments here.
February Check in- How are you doing?
Lets check in with one another! How are things going? Are you on track? Are you struggling? How can I help??