Aaaaand back... again, Long time away tho not much has changed. Work and family life got pretty hectic and got a little off track, don't know where the last 12 month's went lol. I am 29 and i'm from Grafton, NSW, Australia. I am married and have a 3yo daughter, I work full time in construction and work away from home from…
Aaaaand back... again, Long time away tho not much has changed. Work and family life got pretty hectic and got a little off track, don't know where the last 12 month's went lol. My name is Jesse, 29 and i'm from Grafton, NSW, Australia. I am married and have a 3yo daughter, I work full time in construction and work away…
Hey guys, Thought i'd introduce myself and share with you all my journey so far and what I hope to achieve, so here goes. I live in Norther NSW Australia, married, and have a now 16 month old daughter. After my my wife and I had our daughter in May last year I realised I had to do something about my weight / fitness level,…