Getting back into gear+ intro

iamwilso Posts: 1,955 Member
Hey guys,
Thought i'd introduce myself and share with you all my journey so far and what I hope to achieve, so here goes.
I live in Norther NSW Australia, married, and have a now 16 month old daughter. After my my wife and I had our daughter in May last year I realised I had to do something about my weight / fitness level, I also thinking about getting back into motorcycle racing after having a few years off. So I started out on my new mission in August last year and set myself the goal of getting into the mid 80kg mark by around January (start of race season), all was going really well, I had huge increases in my fitness level, my mood and sleep pattern was better, and I was generaly feeling good, I got down to 87kgs in December and held that weight through till February.
This is when it all went pear shaped, I was wiped out by another rider when he lost control of his bike mid corner at around 120ks. I ended up with a massive concussion and pretty much obliterated my collarbone and needed 5 screws and 2 plates to piece it back together again. So 9 week's off work and months of not being able to do pretty much anything bought me back to 100kg again, but I finaly have my clearance from the doc and im exited to get back on track and reach my goal (hopefully with no more hurdles). One good thing that came out of it tho is while I had been off and sitting round the house i've been trolling through e-bay and variouse other sites looking for gym equipment, found some pretty good deal's and now have a corner of the shed dedicated as my home gym. My wife is also now thinking about working out as well.
So there you are my story so far, hopefully no complications this time and hopefully I can keep up the motivation.
Feel free to add me if you want.