My licence has said 190 since i got my permit back when i was 15... im 21 now and i got up to 230lbs but never told them that i had gained... and yesterday i weighed in at 189.6 so i'm still a liar but next time i get a new licence i will definitely let them know i lost weight... but as for now im still a liar lol
Before Pics are me at 230 and After Pics are me at about 195 I needed to post this cuz i times i look in the mirror and all i see is fat i forget just how fat i used to be my goal weight is 135 so i still have 60lbs to lose but im so excited that i can see so much of a difference after only losing 35!! Collar Bones Side of…
that is a massive sweat stain lol i Jogged 5 miles it took me 58 mins 46 seconds ....super beast mode !! my first race ever!! I also lost 5lbs over my thanksgiving vacation... i am officially in one-derland =] 199 lbs as of today
I have a race called the turkey trot to do on thanksgiving morning... it's 5 miles not a 5 k but actually five miles.... my goal is to do it in an hour and 15 minutes or less... i know that is a long time but hey today was my first outdoor run/walk.... and to say the least it took my 56 mins to go 4 miles that's a big…
Ok so I been tryin to do a baby freeze... and well i got it.... it's a breakdance move/freeze !!
So, i know this isn't amazing but i actually made it to my first dance lesson... i've danced my whole life but was always to scared to actually take lessons cuz of my weight and what people thought of me but i am learning to love the person i am so imma do what makes me happy and with the inside thriving and me havin…