Well after gaining 4 lbs
After gain 4 pounds after my starting weight. I finally lost 2 lbs over all. Yay!
Sort of a Accomplished Goal
I did not lose a single pound...in fact I gained about 3 pounds. However My body fat percentage went from 19% to 16% and My goal is 10%. I started taking weekly pictures of myself to see progress instead of weight checks sense my scale is clearly trying to get thrown out of the window lol.
So My first day of dieting....
I went to a day care for a dress rehearsal with the kids...They were giving out pizza...Then tonight after the concert they gave away bags of cookies and juices...I get home and there is this huge pizza right there on the table lol. Believe it or not this happens every time I decide to cut weight....*sigh* Pray for me lol.
New to Fitness Pal
Hey I found this and thought it could help me track my calories. Im thinking of doing a powerlifting contest but I need to drop a weight class. I was going to do a bodybuilding competition with my friend some time after but he backed out...Anyway thats why I joined up.