Anyone live in North Carolina looking for some friends?
Not sure if this is where to put this but here we go. I need a pedometer and I do not know what to get. The ones for my phone do not work because I don't always have it in my pocket. The little cheap ones eaither break fall off or get reset during the day. Please help me =)
I am trying to start to work out and I need simple ones to slowly start to work myself up. I am very much lost. Please help.
What do torso twists do and do they really help? And does anyone have any other simple exercises like this that helps? I am just starting to try and work out and I am hardly ever home. Also what is the best way to start with weights because I am very much a weakling. Please help.
I am really just starting out trying to do all of this. I need some suggestions on simple work outs so that I have some place to start and work up from there. It seems like I have no body strength at all. Please somebody help me. =/
I have been trying to do this and I am not doing very well on my own. If I could have some friends that are on here it help so much. Please