60 Day Insanity Workout
Im starting the 60 day Insanity workout today. Has anyone done this and if so what kind of results did you get?
6 Day Supermodel Slim down from Brazil Butt Lift
So today i started the 6 day supermodel slim down that comes with the Beach Body Brazil Butt Lift program. Has anyone completed this eating plan before? What were your experiences/results? I am finding today really tough and its only day one. It restricts you to about 1000 calories a day and on top of that you have to do…
How much weight do i need to lose to drop a pant size?
Hi there! Im currently a size 3, 124 pounds and 5'5. I have heard the less you weigh to start the less you need to lose to go down a pants size. How much would i have to weigh to fit into a size 2? It took me 14 pounds to drop from a 7 to a 3 (2 pants sizes). But now that im thinner than before would i need to lose less…